

Rankin is a Luxury 3 Bedroom house that sleeps up to 9 guests. The property is located in the Heart of Edinburgh. Click the RANKIN logo to the left to take you to the property pages.

Clerk is a Luxury 5 Bedroom & 5 Bathroom Flat in the Heart of Edinburgh. Click the CLERK logo to the left to take you to the property pages.

Preston is equipped with 4 self catering studio bedrooms - ranging from double to triple bedrooms - each studio comes with a modern kitchen and ensuite bathroom. Property is located in the Heart of Edinburgh.. Click the PRESTON logo to the left to take you to the property page.

Oxford is equipped with 3 self catering studio bedrooms  - complete with kitchen and ensuite bathroom located in the Heart of Edinburgh. Click the OXFORD logo to the left to take you to the property page.

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